Scenario 2

prediction of maintenance needs with condition monitoring

Understanding unstable situations in advance, through proximity sensor detection to perform advance corrections, reducing sudden stops.


A. In a conveyance process operating for 24 hours, debris and dust are accumulated on the detection surface of the through-beam photoelectric sensor, leading to a decline in the light incident level. This causes the sensor to make false detection of errors.

B. Water drops stick to the sensing surface of the reflective sensor, causing relected light to enter. Light incident level declines, leading to false detection of errors

With an IO-Link Photoelectric Sensor

A light incident level monitor
prevents false detection

How It Works

With a response time of 1ms, the IO-Link Photoelectric Sensor is able to monitor the light incident level.

Predictive Maintenance To Prevent False Detection

When the light incident level exceeds the instability detection threshold, the maintenance engineer will receive the notification on his display, and perform predictive maintenance before false detection occurs.

SolvE "Stop Loss" Issues
and Improve Equipment Operation Rate


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