Omron - Your Trusted Partner in Industrial Packaging Automation
A Smarter, Efficient Approach
In Product Sortation & Placement For 24/7
Manufacturing Environment
Experiencing Increased
Demand For Varied Packaging?

To meet the demands of varied packaging without compromising on throughput, Omron Robotic Automation Solution is able to help manufacturers achieve 100% accuracy and consistency in product sorting and placement by color, shape, sizes and position.
Discover How We Solve ThisNeed To Improve Sorting &
Picking Accuracy At Faster Speed?

Omron Robotic Automation Solution has proven to help manufacturers automate material sorting and picking process and eliminate manual handling errors. This ensures consistency in product quality at a faster production speed.
Discover How We Solve ThisWish to Perform Fast Changeover
With Minimal Downtime?

Unlike conventional changeover procedures that require the operator to manually make changes on format-specific parts, Omron Robotic Automation Solution is capable of achieving fast and easy recipe changeover with its unique recipe selection functionality.
Discover How We Solve This