Microscan, Nerlite Ring Series
Ring Lights
Nerlite Ring Series
3 sizes Economical Optional adapter Smart Series technology 3 colors, ultraviolet & infrared Durable and versatile for any lighting application

Smart Series ring lights are a cost-effective, easily integrated solution for diffuse illumination of surfaces. With subtle adjustments to working distance and angle of light delivery, ring lights can deliver good image contrast for a minimal investment. Packaging and mounting advancements put the emphasis on durability and versatility for use in any lighting application.

  • Available in 3 colors, ultraviolet & infrared
  • 3 sizes available
  • Smart Series Technology: Built-in controller with continuous and high output strobe modes
  • Economical and widely-used general purpose designs
  • Optional adapter allows easy, direct attachment to camera lens
  • Optional fresnel lens accessories allow the illumination to be focused at various distances

Illumination Example:

Plastic bottle: Defect on top of a plastic bottle is clearly identified



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